All the hazelnut plants we offer for sale are of our own production, and a visit to view their quality is welcome.


  • Tonda Gentile delle Langhe (or Trilobata) (characteristics)
  • Tonda Gentile delle Langhe United Clone PD6, United Clone AD17, United Clone MT5
  • Tonda Gentile Romana (characteristics)
  • Tonda di Giffoni
  • Tonda di Biglini
  • Nocchione (characteristics)
  • Specific pollinators


1. Stump margots, our own production with exclusive technique

2. 1-year-old nursery plant, height over 80 cm

3. 1-year-old nursery plant, height 60 – 80 cm

4. Plant of 2 years nursery (R2F1), one year layering and one year nursery

5. Extra plant (R3F1), one year of layering and two years of nursery ( read more)

6. Rooted hazelnut suckers (to be recultivated in the nursery)

Plant prices from € 2.50 to € 6.00 depending on type.

For orders of less than 20 plants, € 1/plant will be added.

Before packing, the hazelnut plants receive a treatment with mycorrhiza and trichoderma to stimulate rooting.

The plants are prepared for machine planting.

There is no surcharge for organic certification.

The plants will be shipped on pallets in freshness-preserving packaging (which guarantees a long shelf life);

For quantities over 500 plants, shipping costs WILL BE CHARGED TO OUR OWN CHARGE. For smaller quantities, a contribution towards shipping costs will be requested (for further information, please contact us).

IMG 2137
Extra plant root system
Two-year-old plant
IMG 2609 rotated 1
Stump margots

My nursery specialises in the cultivation of the Tonda Gentile variety (syn. Tonda Gentile delle Langhe and/or Tonda Gentile Trilobata) with material from mass selection carried out over the years in the area of origin of the Alta Langa and its related pollinators. In recent years I have started to multiply material supplied by DISAFA University of Turin, in collaboration with CreSo: the result of more than 20 years of clonal selection work. These clones are called UNITO clone MT5, UNITO clone AD17, UNITO clone PD6: they clearly improve the variety in terms of quality, production and yield at shelling.

What are the characteristics of the different varieties of multiplied hazelnut plants?

Tonda Gentile hazelnut (syn. Tonda Gentile Trilobata or Tonda Gentile delle Langhe):

This variety is absolutely recognised as the best in the world for its organoleptic characteristics, for its excellent yield at shelling, for the easy detachment of the perisperm at roasting and for its low fat content that prevents rancidity. The excellence of this cultivar is a special, unique aroma that imparts a delicious flavour to its preparations. The variety originated naturally, discovered by chance and propagated over the years with careful clonal selections. In recent years, there has been a strong reappraisal of the product, due to the emergence of many local processors who, by processing the product in purity, are establishing all its derivatives worldwide. Until a few years ago, the variety was mainly popular in the Langa area of origin. The strong worldwide interest in hazelnuts in general, with a considerable increase in consumption, has led to the cultivar being developed in most of Piedmont, and in recent years successful cultivations have been carried out in Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia Romagna and Tuscany. Positive results abroad are taking place in Eastern Europe, especially in Romania. The variety is self-sterile, so it needs adequate pollinators. It is a plant of medium vigour with early ripening (in Piedmont it ripens from 20 to 30 August) Experience in central Italy gives an advance of 10 days depending on the year. It is a rustic plant that requires drained soils with a lot of skeleton, if irrigated it increases production. Soils with water stagnation should be avoided. The first production occurs in the 4th to 5th year to reach a maximum at 8-9 years of age.

Hazelnut Tonda Gentile Romana:

Variety widespread in the Viterbo area, good productive quality, matures about 20 days after the Tonda Gentile and adapts well to the same soils. It is an excellent pollinator of the Tonda Gentile. Spherical fruit, good yield at shelling.

Nocchione hazelnut:

Widespread in the Viterbo area. Good vigour, good production, shelling yield 40-42%. Larger round fruit than the Tonda Romana. Excellent pollinator of Tonda Gentile with early flowering compared to the Tonda Romana.

Pauetet hazel:

Variety of French origin. Slightly sub-spherical and homogeneous fruit, vigorous plant with good production and yield at shelling. Intermediate ripening, excellent pollinator of the Tonda Gentile, flowering slightly earlier than the Tonda Romana.

Availability Hazelnut plants from November 2024

  • Tonda Gentile delle Langhe – all types
  • Tonda Gentile, clones MT5, AD17, PD6
  • Stump margots
  • Extra plant – limited availability
  • Tonda Gentile Romana
  • Tonda di Giffoni
  • Nocchione
  • Pauetet
  • Tonda di Biglini

Reservations are accepted for AUTUMN 2024 and SPRING 2025 by paying a 20% deposit.

Lorenzo Traversa